













错入豪门 男神我已婚

类别都市 恋爱 总裁 豪门


















内容简介:内容介绍:乔锦娘方及笄父母双亡。为了继承酒楼不得不“招赘”一夫婿。谁知那长得和谪仙似的夫君是个白眼狼,抢走了她的孩儿,留下一纸休书。乔锦娘成了临安城里的笑话,眼看着叔伯要将爹娘心血抢夺 ,知府儿子要纳她为妾。长安城之中却来了一辆侯府的马车,穿着锦袍的嬷嬷走到她跟前喊大小姐。乔锦娘方知自己是安远侯府的嫡出大小姐,当年侯夫人生她的时候路遇劫匪,因着身边小妾妒忌,换了她和厨娘的女儿。被休生过孩子的商户厨娘入京,人人都等着看这位真千金的笑话。暗中估摸着这位真千金何时被侯府抛弃。可是她们都没有想到的是,乔锦娘凭借一手厨艺在长安内开酒楼连陛下都夸赞,在侯府被宠成了娇娇。长安城里的长舌妇又酸不溜叽地道:“女子在家里被娇宠又如何,年过十八已生过孩子,哪还能嫁人?”侯府也为乔锦娘找了不少夫婿,明明商量好的姻缘却屡次不顺。侯夫人以泪洗面,假千金说要把夫婿让给乔锦娘。乔锦娘拿着擀面杖,踢开了东宫大门:“你既然已经休了我,为何还要对我的婚事动手。”某太子:“孤怎会让皇孙的娘亲嫁与他人!”……入赘是太子失忆的时候。休书是有误会的。追妻是会火葬场的。真假千金不撕逼,女主回长安侯被宠上天。各位书友要是觉得《被休后我成了侯府真千金》还不错的话请不要忘记向您qq群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!各位书友要是觉得《被休后我成了侯府真千金》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-29313 >>


内容简介:“呵呵!打人都没有力气,还好意思说要杀了我?”贺诞绑定无尽天秀系统,获得拼夕夕不死神体,穿越斗罗大陆,每66天就可以开启一个新系统。开启【天秀御兽系统】!收服小舞当兔女仆,收服银龙王当 龙女仆……打造一支可以随时召唤的魂兽军团!开启【天秀医生系统】!给比比东治病,从此被教皇冕下给缠上了……特别提醒:原著党慎入!原著党慎入!原著党慎入!】p1w0-97147 >>


内容简介:犯罪现场禁止撒糖是由四月邪瞳所写的现代言情类小说,本站提供待犯罪现场禁止撒糖最新章节阅读犯罪现场禁止撒糖全文阅读犯罪现场禁止撒糖免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现犯罪现场禁止撒糖更新慢了请 第一时间联系小兵。1w0-25602 >>


内容简介:她嫁他时,满心欢喜。离开他时,一心求死。本以为婚姻从离婚就是结束,却没想到是另一场噩梦的开始。她怀胎十月的孩子,每个都没保住。被害跳海,尸骨无存。五年后,当她再次归来,却被傅亦寒紧紧困 住,动弹不得。老婆,跑了五年,该回来了吧。顾雨凝挣脱想逃,却被三个小可爱抱住了大腿。妈咪,不要离开我们helli1w0-28922 >>


内容简介:小兵提供洛水冬汐大神最新作品《丞相他就是不肯篡位》最新章节全文免费阅读,丞相他就是不肯篡位TXT下载,丞相他就是不肯篡位全文字更新,丞相他就是不肯篡位无弹窗!请关注狂人小说网丞相他就是 不肯篡位吧,本站最新最快更新丞相他就是不肯篡位的最新章节。1w0-85032 >>


内容简介:当穆青云看见楼下的大爷,对杰尼龟一口一个龟儿子的亲切称呼。学校的富二代不再用豪车炫富。女生们不再以包包化妆品进行攀比。隔壁王大婶竟以御三家精灵给她儿子作为彩礼的时候。穆青云就知道这个世 界从此不再简单。书友群:421818391标签:神奇宝贝、宠物小精灵、精灵宝可梦、口袋妖怪。1w0-78025 >>

Ai Naki Kekkon

from fictiondb: They had shared a beautiful affair Then Briony had learned the shattering truth. Although she had been deeply in love with Kieron, a reporter then, he had wanted her only for a newspaper scoop. It was painfully ironic to Briony that his calculated lovemaking should have resulted in such a beautiful baby boy.,. It was no less ironic that Kieron Blake should now be Briony's new boss at the Daily Globe. One look at little Nicky told him the truth--and set them on a collision course. Either she married him or he took her son away!

Rising Impact

A young boy, Gawain, lives in a mountainous, rural area with an increadible love for baseball and making the ball really fly. One day he runs into a visitor to the small area and she introduces him to a sport that can really make a ball take to flight, golf! It just takes one shot and Gawain is hooked. With his grandpa's approval he sets off to Tokyo with this mysterious woman to learn all he can about golf, encountering many colorful characters and obsticles along the way.

Another Day On The Planet

From Liquid Passion: An interesting look at Hikaru and Yuki after the events in Rules volume 3. This booklet was a special mail away item from Chara for purchasing Rules v1-3 as they were published. Whimsical story about Yuki and an alien (maybe)...

Please Give Me!

The sequel to 'Power of Love'~The continuation of the never-ending conflict of feelings between Naohisa and Uno-chii!

Shikou Shinka no Renkeijutsushi

Shikou Shinka no Renkeijutsushi summary: I did not wish to be born like this.
I spent a s.h.i.tty life and until the last moment getting killed, every day of my life is full of sadness.
I did not think it was mortifying. It did not seem to be mortifying.
I did not think why. I did not have a doubt.
In fact, I’m just a human. I received what life gave me with a biased thought and broken way of thinking.
Or so it seems to be, until now.
A curse to restart life after dying.
A shut-in staying indoor because of distrust in human being. For months and years, piling up useless knowledge and keeping an immature mind.
Usable knowledge? There’s no way~
Don’t look down on a NEET !
I know one thing that’s clear though.
My life in different world starts now.

Date A Live

Date A Live summary: April 10th. Yesterday was the last day of spring vacation, so starting this morning it was a school day. After being woken up by his cute little sister, Itsuka Shidou believed that it would be the start of another normal day. As for predicting the chance meeting with the girl who called herself a spirit&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;
Along with a sudden shockwave, the townscape vanished without a trace. In a corner of the street which had now become a crater, the girl was there.
“?You, have you come to kill me too?”
She is the disaster that will destroy humanity, a monster of unknown origin, and a being rejected by the world. There are only two ways to stop this girl: annihilation, and conversation. His little sister Kotori, wrapped in a military uniform, thus said to Shidou: “Since it’s like this, just go date her, and make the spirit fall for you!” “Wh.. whaaaaaaaat!?” Enter a new age of boy meets girl!!

Contract Marriage: Emperor CEO's Secretary Wife

Contract Marriage: Emperor CEO's Secretary Wife summary: 'Be my son's mother.'
He stated as he pushed the marriage form in front of her.
'Marry me.'
As his secretary, she was used to his glares but this time, his stare felt like he was gobbling her up into his stomach.
It was hypnotizing yet, she didn't fall for it.
Anger filled her up as she stood her ground.
'I refuse.'
His gaze hardened as the both of them stared at each other. Slowly, he rose from his seat and held her chin.
'You won't be able to escape. You're mine.'
She slapped his hand away and stood up.
'We'll see about that.' She made her way to the door and left the room.

Elemental Kingdom

Elemental Kingdom summary: In the land filled with magic, only one kingdom shall dominate all.

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