






















简介【每周一更新】 我是个面具人却喜欢上了男神? 什么?面具人不能谈恋爱? 面具人既是怪物又是变态? 那摘下面具后...我能不能谈恋爱? 读者交流群:669612702 欢迎您的加入~

蛮妻有毒 贴心大叔暖上天

类别总裁 军阀 婚恋








内容简介:原谅渣攻后我反悔了by笔趣阁,原谅渣攻后我反悔了bysodu,原谅渣攻后我反悔了by小说,原谅渣攻后我反悔了by顶点,原谅渣攻后我反悔了by怀漾,精选来自————原谅渣攻后我反悔了全世 界都知道,白嘉钰爱惨了薛景言。甘愿放弃年薪百万的工作,洗手作羹汤。薛景言不记得纪念日,原谅;对他冷暴力,也原谅;哪怕和其他人夜不归宿,都能原谅。谁让他瞎了眼,大学就暗恋除了张脸一无是处的薛景言,将其视为白月光呢?圈子里都说,薛景言是头根本捂不热的白眼狼,白嘉钰继续执迷不悟,只会凄凉收场。他也不为所动。直到这次,他被薛景言的暧昧对象设计车祸,当场昏迷。醒来以后,却意外恢复了丢失三年的记忆。两个极富冲击力的事实立刻出现在他脑子里——1白月光另有其人,他因故失忆加上渣攻自作多情,造就了这个不怎么美丽的误会2当初之所以和薛景言交往,完全是为了借他打进上流圈什么委曲求全的金丝雀,和自己完全不沾边。他白嘉钰,就是个为达目的不择手段的毒蝎子。向来温驯的眉眼浮上冰凉,看着车祸当天,薛景言还被狗仔偷拍到和男男女女开轰趴的画面,冷笑不迭。就这么个玩意儿,哪怕是失忆后的自己选择原谅,也够脑子进水的了。现在反悔,让他把新仇旧恨一并虐回来,不算迟吧?—薛景言买了束花,虽然他并不觉得车祸怪自己,但毕竟是在给他送饭的路上出事,适当哄一哄,也没什么关系。想到这个满心满眼都是自己的小情人一定强撑病体,烧了一桌子菜等他回来,就忍不住飘飘然。没办法,谁让白嘉钰离不开他。哪知道一开门,黑灯瞎火,人去楼空。他顿时傻了。电话打了好几遍才接通,听见质问,那个满心满眼都是他的小情人嗤笑一声,语气极为不耐:“嫌你脏,而且我这辈子最讨厌做饭,懒得伺候,拜拜。”—半年后某名流宴会,狐朋狗友终于见到消失已久的薛景言。“薛大影帝,这么久没找哥几个玩,是找了新人,乐不思蜀了?”“别瞎说!”倜傥非凡的脸竟露出紧张的意味,瞥了眼人群中央,那个长身玉立,似笑非笑的男人,故意拔高了音调——“我已经戒烟戒酒半年了,还学了厨艺,现在由里到外特别干净,不信来验验身!”冷心冷情白切黑万人迷受x玩世不恭被教做人后改邪归正攻1v1,追妻火葬场,攻前期真的很狗,但受恢复记忆后黑化值x,虐攻绝不手软11w0-70525 >>




内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:无限进化之虫族主宰】虫族,星空之中繁育最快,最为凶猛的种族,最强生物文明的称号当之无愧。且看一位疯狂的科学家,是如何从弱小的单细胞生物成长为蚁族,创立虫族帝国 ,征战星宇,一步一步的成为真正主宰环宇的存在。聂凡:只有无尽的战火,才是文明迅速发展的最佳催化剂。聂凡:成神…呵呵…宇宙星空之中,真正拥有着无敌战力的存在,才是真神。聂凡:掌控星宇,从虫族帝国开始…飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢无限进化之虫族主宰,别忘记分享给朋友作者:纯粹的明天所写的《无限进化之虫族主宰》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-78470 >>




内容简介:灵气复苏,天地生变……撞大运在一个小道士身上重生了的隋唐老鬼又该作何选择?是争霸天下?还是逍遥都市?还是……“得了吧,先让自己过上好日子才要紧!”说完,杨希当机立断,扛起好几袋子东北大 米,就钻到黄山深处修炼去了。什么旅游开发?干贫道什么事?爱来来,不来滚!别碍着贫道种地!【简介废,随便写了】1w0-84522 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:三国:开局一万个李存孝!】顾源穿越三国,成为并州临戎县令。鲜卑入侵,骑兵肆虐,顾源拒绝逃亡,坚守县城。系统出现,获得至尊新手大礼包!开局获得一万个李存孝!从此 ,一支威震天下的飞虎神骑登场!拔鲜卑王帐,灭乌桓六部,荡平中原,威震华夏!继而远征罗马,成为上帝之鞭!……甄宓:妾身只愿做夫君一人的本书关键词:其他类型爽文后宫三国《三国:开局一万个李存孝!》小说推荐:从林正英世界开始修道、梦幻西游:我能看见收益、盗墓:开局成为发丘天官、星际之亡灵帝国、日常系影视世界、混沌效应:撕裂末日、我的天赋是无敌、忍界神话:最强砂隐、神级插班生、茅山关门弟子、火影:开局掳走日向雏田、午夜女主播、锦衣娘子、我的夫人竟是魔教教主、秋以为期、跨物种相亲、糊你一脸白月光快穿、我!无双战将、西游:从平乱花果山开始!、小娇妻,你被捕了!、那个被我活埋的人、校花之贴身高手、神奇宝贝:牵绊智爷、烈火出击最强特种兵、居山海、火影:从瞬间满级开始、都市娱乐之全能大明星、女总裁的贴身战兵、我在超神学院开宝箱、海贼:开局召唤英灵德雷克1w0-82802 >>

Kono Koi Wo Wasurenai.

A collection of one-shots by various authors. Ready, Go! by Yoshii Yuu I hate poor guys! And yet, when I went on a date, I fell in love with a guy who's a freelance worker... and he came to our date on a bicycle!? Peach or Lemon by Kuramochi Mari After a small coincidence, I fell in love with him, but it seems that he already has a girlfriend!? And here I was, thinking that this love was fated to be... The Flower that Blooms in You by Mitsuya Omi Tsukina is secretly in love with her twin sister's boyfriend. After he lost his eyesight in an accident, she pretends to be her sister to take care of him, and then... Field Trip on Monday by Torikai Akane Shino got confessed to by two girls on the same day. For now, he doesn't mind dating the first one... Snow, Piling Up Feelings by Kimura Ayako Since I love him, I keep acting awkwardly around him and fall out of sorts with him... This is a story about a sad and heart-warming first love. Senpai and His Girlfriend ~Call My Name~ by Nanba Atsuko My cool girlfriend won't call me by my first name... This is a very serious matter for a couple!

Sensei No Jijou

1) The Cause of my Teacher (Sensei no Jijou) A student who is fond of eye glasses tells his tender teacher of his feeling. The teacher kisses him but he is a little unsatisfied because the teacher takes the eye glasses off when they kiss 2) At the Guidance Room The hero, a strange student, loves a teacher, a blunder that students make light of. Bad students try to annoy the teacher by using a porn video but the teacher thinks the hero brought it 3) A Person, Held Captive The hero enters the company with his friend whom he has loved since his childhood. Knowing their supervisor aims at his friend, hero finally tie the friend up after an alcoholic party 4) The Reckelness of Youth (sequel to 'Shinobu Kokoro wa'). Hiiragi did not fully accept his orders, and acts separately from his chief, Asagi. He is thrown into jail 5) I'm Sorry, Young Master! The son of a lord, who feels his guard and martial arts teacher took a sexual joke too far, challenges him at his own peril 6) Child of the Palace in the Sea A scholar teacher of the Mountain palace country escorts back a spy boy of the Sea palace country (which dominates the Mountain palace country) who is bullied. The Cause of my Teacher (Sensei no Jijou) extra.

Honnou Chocolate

1. Chocolat of Instinct Ever since we were small, I've been good friends with Keigo, who's as cute as a girl. However, I started to be conscious of his body holding mine, his long and slender fingers, and his full lips... Before I knew it, my heart started to race for this cool Keigo... Hey, Keigo, what should I do with this feeling...? 2. Little Devil Gelatto Sei was a playboy throughout middle school who did it with every girl. Then, the next day he would break that girls heart and leave. That changed when a girl he had done it with actually falls in love with him. 3. Flower Trap 'Under the wilting Cherry Tree, He laid a blanket of pink flowers.' While I walked the cherry tree lined street i noticed him carrying a bouquet of flowers. The flowers belonged to the girl he liked. Then why, did he give one to me? 4. Substitute Camellia When i was confessed by him I was happy. I really loved him. Still, the pain of my brother getting married and going away hurt me. Is that why Kei thought he was a substitute? 5. It Slowly Turns Sweet Everyday,Aoi kisses a summer tangerine.chisato,her brother's friend,often stays over. extra of Chocolat of Instinct


Nekota and Hoshino were always arguing at school, but in reality, Nekota actually has a crush on Hoshino. One day, he finally gets up his courage to tell Hoshino his true feelings, but she rejected him with mixed feelings. Feeling sad, Nekota goes home to find that his dad is remarrying another woman, but the catch is that Nekota has to live alone with the woman's daughter while the two parents goes to Europe. The daughter of the woman, however, is Hoshino... What will happen between the two while they live together?

A Journal of the Plague Year

A Journal of the Plague Year summary: A Journal of the Plague Year summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Journal of the Plague Year. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Arcane Circle

Arcane Circle summary: Arcane Circle summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Arcane Circle. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Dragon Blood Warrior

Dragon Blood Warrior summary: Aiwa is the descendant of dragon blood warriors from the Ha.s.s Empire and the heir of the Holtzer clan. But during his gene identification, he had an abnormal reaction&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; Will the s.e.xual qi techniques he learned during his time in the east be able to overcome gene identification committee member Ruth’s teasing?
The Queen Sofia, in order to balance the power of the two major clans and achieve her goals, facilitated the marriage between Aiwa and the feuding Herman clans’s daughter, Dolly. Although the Herman clan resisted, after conquering the Herman clan’s fourth daughter, Dolly’s sister, things turned for the better!
On the other hand, his stepmother Margaret kept throwing herself on him. Even though he didn’t want betray his father, he couldn’t resist&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; Aiwa’s life seems to take another path forward!

Maria, or the Wrongs of Woman

Maria, or the Wrongs of Woman summary: Maria, or the Wrongs of Woman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Maria, or the Wrongs of Woman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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