
































内容简介:一夕之变,镇安王宋卫国一家沦为阶下囚,凄惨无比。就在一家人即将黑化之际,一只三岁的小龙崽从天而降。小幼崽整天跟在宋家人身后哒哒的跑:爹爹中毒了,崽崽熬红了葡萄眼给他解毒,大哥腿瘸了,崽 崽赶紧呼呼帮治病,二哥不行了,崽崽不顾自己安危要救活他……旧敌来袭,宋家人不待动作,头顶小揪揪的胖崽已经哼哧哼哧的冲了出来,张开自己1w0-27677 >>


内容简介:戚晨去体检居然被拉去做活体实验?清醒时,才知他竟然是变成丧尸的第一人,丧尸感染的源头。这时候整个世界已然被病毒感染,满街的丧尸,犹如末世。戚晨从丧尸又变回了人,不会再被感染,还有了特殊 潜能。既是上天给他重活一次的机会,那他必然要抛却过往,让把他变成丧尸的人付出代价!让一切回到正轨!丧尸病毒的病原体末世重生摇生一变成救世主?诶?事情却好像不像这么简单,因为他被一只欲修炼成仙的美妖给抓去当食物了……这是个面瘫强迫症护短攻被中二忠犬小强受骗上床,哦不,哄出山拯救世界的故事。本文又名带着面瘫闯末世、我的主人不可能那么可爱某叶专栏:宝贝们求收藏,求留言,求支持,求抱走叶子!!≧ε≦(期进展快,攻受性格慢慢磨合,两人相爱相杀难舍难分,温馨互宠无虐闯异世,喜欢请收收o▽q)(电瓶车的戚晨我总会脑补成这个样子啊→233333宝贝们,叶子在本周五,8月22日会开始V,从27章开始是望宝贝们继续支持叶子。叶子已经完结的文,喜欢的可以一起收了哦。(打滚卖萌中з」∠机油的新文,都很好看哦!px。1w0-104448 >>


内容简介:【不坑,放心入】文案废,将就看。文案:乖戾顽劣,桀骜不驯的陆家小少爷的前女友回国了,还成了他的经纪人。当年无故被甩,陆择野咽不下这口气,高冷男神的逼装得十分到位。但陆择野发现桑烟看他的 眼神却越来越不对劲,撩他、逗他,还对他笑,甚至暗戳戳地给他塞房卡!贵圈都好奇小少爷跟前女友怎么样了,陆择野得意地抿着酒,笑着炫耀,“桑烟想跟我复合,我没搭理她。”桑烟气质高贵冷艳,一身旗袍风情万种,圈内顶尖1w0-90905 >>


内容简介:渣了男主后我们都重生了是由浮岛所写的穿越架空类小说,本站提供渣了男主后我们都重生了最新章节阅读渣了男主后我们都重生了全文阅读渣了男主后我们都重生了免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现渣了男主 后我们都重生了更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-81134 >>


内容简介:林陌穿越平行世界获得科学家系统,研发出国产航母“泰山舰”,镇四方海域,扬华夏国威……鹰国:OMG!这就是泰山舰的电磁阻拦技术?林陌真是个天才科学家!米国:我们不得不承认,林陌出现之后, 华夏科技力量遥遥领先!高丽国:米国想布置德萨?滚蛋,我们要抱华夏林陌爸爸的大腿!林陌:我只是个奋斗在一线的平凡科学工作者罢了!……本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。【收起】1w0-84740 >>


内容简介:高亮排雷!狗血!古早!火葬场!男c女未定,介意慎入!求预收《虐文女主是我姐》世人都道是裴二公子厌弃了月宁,却不知自她离开后,裴淮便夜夜思她入魔,梦里尽是月宁眼梢微红,低声啜泣的模样。矜 贵公子活成了行尸走肉。裴淮知道,他快要疯了。上元节灯会,华灯璀璨,摩肩擦踵,流光溢彩的烟火声中,裴淮忽然看见月宁站在桥上,冲他莞尔一笑,唇齿轻启间,似在嗔怪,仿佛在说:怎么还不过来,等你等得累极了。他脚步微动,想上前确认之时。身旁有个男子极快地提袍而上,于月宁身前站定脚步,伸手递过去编织精巧的花灯,两人相视一笑,万千烟火轰然炸开。那一刻,裴淮攥紧了腰间的长剑。阅读指南:※架空,非常空。※撒狗血的火葬场,结局he※男主黑化后很黑,大概率有强取豪夺。求个预收《虐文女主是我姐》姜宝忆做了个噩梦,梦里本该拿着甜文剧本的姐姐,最后把自己作成了虐文女主。不仅被人糟蹋玷污,就连姜家都血流成河,人仰马翻。而罪魁祸首,便是惨遭抛弃,对姐姐爱而不得的前姐夫周启。姜宝忆痛哭流涕,爬过去扯着他的袍子求放过,然而素来温润儒雅的人,坐在高头大马上,只说了一句:不留一个活口!姜宝忆惊醒!看着眼前手握香囊,尚还娇羞无比的姐姐,打算做些什么。“你说,他会喜欢吗?”姜宝忆连连点头:“喜欢,喜欢,你做什么他都喜欢!”姐姐:“他瞎了,大夫说治不好了…”姜宝忆:“你信我,他不会有事的!”姐姐:“平阴候世子来提亲了,他说了好些体己话,我实在扛不住了…”剧情还是走到了这里,周启再次惨遭退婚。姜宝忆锤了下心口,险些当着周启的面哭出声来,姜家药丸了!“你哭什么,被退婚的是我,又不是你。”“宝忆,我是个瞎子,你姐姐选了世子我能理解……”“宝忆,你走吧,我不会恨姜家的…”姜宝忆听他胡扯,最后壮了壮胆子,决定自己来。她颤着双手,捧起周启的脸,无比真诚:其实…我爱慕你很久了。推荐专栏完结旧文《那个偏执独爱我》readapp2重生后男主又黑化了1w0-44670 >>

Orlelian No Kishihime

Orlelian no Kishihime summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Orlelian no Kishihime. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Set in a mythological time and place, Ja-Dou recounts the struggles of the heirs to kingdoms of heaven and their comrades, to repel the demonic forces that sometimes make their way into heaven. Ashray is the son of the Flame Emperor, small for his age, and cursed with a fiery temper. He also has to hide the fact that he has a horn, a trait usually associated with demons. His father keeps appointing assistants to keep an eye on him, but keeping up with Ashray is hard work, and the first six have died in the line of duty. Can Alan Seoul, his newly appointed seventh assistant, last a little longer than the first six? Teiou is a prince of the eastern kingdom of air. His best friend and lover is Keika, a mazoku, or demon, in human form. Tiarandear, is the Prince of the western kingdom of water. As chief of all the gods it is his job to maintain harmony in heaven and to direct and control human history. He loves Ashray, but how long can he keep protecting Ashray from the consequences of his violent temper? And if it should become known across heaven that Ashray might be part demon? (For some reason, halfway into the 2nd volume there still is no mention of the northern prince.)

Asa Chun!

Living together with a boy under the same roof, approved by the parents!? Story 1: The childhood friend she reunites with after 4 years has become super handsome!? And for one month, the two of them will be living together alone under the same roof!? Akane's daily life is going to be a string of heart-pounding situations and...!? Story 2: Yui who was so happy with her relationship with kouhei but unfortunately kouhei's family have gone bankrupt. He suddenly disappeared and the promise that they both kept to meet on the july 30th was broken. A year had passed and a letter came, saying it's kouhei's... will she finally met up with the boy she loved and promised to one more time?

The King's Pawnshop

Amy alway falls for the wrong guys, and she is bad at judging guys. First, her first crush makes her into a slave, secondly, when she confess to a guy, he practically pushed her down, and finally she was cheated by her former boyfriend. Is working with Shuu in his pawnshop to become better in judging men a right choice? Amy is bad at judging guys, so she falls in love with the wrong ones. Her first crush made her into his slave. When she confessed to her second crush, he pushed her away. And her former boyfriend was cheating on her. One day she finds a pawnshop where a man named Shuu works. She decides to become an employee there so she can judge things better. Will it help? Read The King's Pawnshop to find out. ~LB

Bring Me the Head of Prince Charming

Bring Me the Head of Prince Charming summary: Bring Me the Head of Prince Charming summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Bring Me the Head of Prince Charming. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Living In The Last Days

Living In The Last Days summary: Before rebirth, Xia Man had been wondering, when did Qu Zhen begin to hate her? Was it when she foolishly followed behind her and constantly talked while eating? Or when she would always clumsily break the gifts she was given? So she started hating her? Did she think such a person was not worthy of being her friend at all? Doesn’t deserve the sunshine? Right! Sunshine or whatever, it can only be her Qu Zhen! Xia Man always felt that the friendship between the two people was like Qu Zheen’s alms to herself, never equal. Xia Man didn’t understand what Qu Zhen meant until she died. “I thought I never missed it. Now I understand that I’ve never been right.” Qu Zhen, in a sense, died by Xia Man’s hands, not from a zombie. Qu Zhen, you could never have been right after doing something wrong. You should never fall in love with a person with distorted personality. After Xia Man was reborn, she only wanted one thing. She wanted those who used her to hurt Quzhen to die rather than to live!

Dyke Darrel the Railroad Detective

Dyke Darrel the Railroad Detective summary: Dyke Darrel the Railroad Detective summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dyke Darrel the Railroad Detective. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Cradle of the Christ

The Cradle of the Christ summary: The Cradle of the Christ summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Cradle of the Christ. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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