
















类别玄幻 少女 魔幻






简介唐僧悟空师徒四人被陷害,魂飞魄散,他们的灵魂到达另外一个世界,其中悟空的灵魂附身在一个男屌丝学生身上。师徒四人一方面躲避同样到达这个世界的神秘势力的追杀,一面想方设法回到原来的世界,走完取经的最后一程…… 欢迎关注《狠西游》微博:@狠西游,微信公众号:henxiyou,官方QQ群:271760962


简介从小不受欢迎的钟小离,做梦也没有想到自己捡回来的一只“流浪狗”真实身份竟然是只狐仙大人!更重要的是,这位狐仙大人竟然要娶自己当老婆!什么鬼!! 当阴郁草食系女生遇到自恋肉食系狐仙大人,“互相伤害”的生活就此拉开序幕......《现世情人是尾狐》每周三更新~求收藏!求月票!




类别科幻 热血 玄幻


简介这是一部具有超强刺激感官,感人肺腑的漫画,在这里,作者带你揭示每个人心灵的深处,以及每个人心中的怨念。。。更多关于柯小漫画的精彩内容,请关注柯小的微博【柯小的style1 】!


内容简介:本文于2021年五月一号入v。谢谢大家支持。陆思一朝穿越,成了平南侯世子陆承谨。她“胸无大志”,既不想领兵作战,更不想官运亨通,只想守着祖上基业,安稳度日,好好孝顺母亲,侍奉祖母。只是 她掉进了八公主赵嘉宁的“陷阱中”,偏偏这还是个美1w0-96238 >>


内容简介:2026年9月,一款名为《崩坏联盟:原神星穹》的多平台互通MOBA多人合作5V5对称竞技类游戏上线了。全球游戏界为之轰动,无数玩家趋之若鹜,涌入游戏。很快,崩坏联盟第一届全球总决赛《S 1海渊纪行》召开,全球瞩目。仇三连,人送外号“影皇”、“五五开”,S1赛季最终总决赛热门战队EOD的全能替补,因为打假赛被禁赛两年,遭受万人唾弃,而后因为某个契机返回校园,重读1w0-62621 >>


内容简介:高中校园,学生挣扎,迎战高考。大学生活,爱恨情仇,强者制霸。社会之上,龙蛇混杂,金权至高。战武大陆,第一狂少重生都市。冷傲的校花,娇艳的教师,尽在我手。赌石打架,无往不利。种田医疗,样 样精通。看狂少1w0-26321 >>


内容简介:  养兄为了保护她下乡去当了知青,结果死在了农场,她本可以在厂里当工人却因为贪图亲生父母的亲情,顶替亲生哥哥当了知青,一辈子留在了农场,真的成了亲姐姐看不起的农村妇女。  虽然后来自己 凭借努力当了一个村里的村医,可是还是积劳成疾,最后死在了这块土地上。  现在江小小重生了,还带着一个空间回来……  这一次她怎么活出精彩人生。 ………… 本文架空,考究党勿入。1w0-1841 >>


内容简介:女巫薇拉帮助她的爱人脚踩渣爹,怒打敌人,干翻竞争者后,她以为的剧本是从此他们过着幸福快乐的生活。却万万没有料到,这正是她悲剧的开端。薇拉做了一场预言梦,看到两百年后,她曾经的丈夫被誉为 曙光,征服王,一统大陆的战神。而她的名号一样多,却没有那么响亮了。三日王后,这指的是在登基之时她这个“纠缠英雄王”不放的“恶毒女巫”威胁王要成为王后。王虚与委蛇让她当了三天王后,然后就把她撸了下来。投毒者,这指的是她暗害了王真正心爱的女人,高洁的牧师,让他们情人一生不成眷属。叛国的女巫,这指的是她被看似忠厚老实的狼人将军陷害叛国,然后被巴不得自己赶快消失掉的王打包丢出去送给大魔王红龙做祭品了。不过她侥幸没死,又得雅号,与龙交媾者。交媾个屁!薇拉心怀悲愤,她给红龙辛辛苦苦顺了几年鳞片,他睡得天昏地暗,最后暴怒之下把她烧了个半死。好不容易流窜离开之后,也是她蠢,想给老情人通风报信魔物入侵。即使他能一战,也可以免除平民的苦难。这毕竟是她守护过的国家。然后被高洁的牧师逮住打为奸细,在烈火中化为灰烬。不洁的灰烬王妃。她是塔阿修王人生中,唯一的污点。薇拉要气死了,她要是不洁,那操她操的上瘾的男人就是污秽!肮脏!她说的1w0-105702 >>


内容简介:勉为其难穿越到斗罗世界,陈阳向某位大能许下了三个愿望。1,拥有诸天万界最为俊美的外貌,颜值即是正义!2,拥有随便修炼就能到九十九级的天赋!3,拥有几十个神位的传承道具(如海神的三叉戟, 修罗神的剑这一类的道具)大能轻而易举的帮助陈阳实现了愿望,而陈阳也获取了龙神和时空间之神的双神位考核(外加其他一大堆有的没的神位)开局穿越到星斗大森林,误打误撞的被古月娜认为是龙神转生前往圣魂村寻找涛哥,没想到涛哥居然认出了陈阳的武魂加入了武魂殿,居然直接成为了武魂殿的圣子陈阳这才意识到,真正的穿越者,比小说里的要离谱的多。——本书不跟原著,不舔唐三,主角不是太监。普通读者群:756292802(需回答作者的名字)VIP读者群:957145721(作者任何一本书五百粉丝值可加,进群请发截图)1w0-26427 >>

Onikiri Jyuzo

From Izumo no Ryuu: After being sealed in a sword for 800 years, the master of all demons is released, and taking the body of a human to reek havoc on the world again. Jyuzo must now retrieve that body, which is that of his own brother, and stop the demon's schemes.

Koujitsusei No Tobira

Cys Beckett learns of the sudden death of his brother he didn't see for 10 years. His only legacy: a disk and a son, Kai. Kai now lives with Sis and every night, comes to his bed. Sequel: Jin to Neko wa Yobu to Konai

Okosama Brat

[Summary by Love_blossom] Taishi stays at Rie's house because his parents work overtime. Rie thought that he was actually her real brother! Now, Taishi says that she's 'idiotic now and then'. People think of Taishi as cool and mature, but Rie knows that he's just a brat inside...

Naki Shoujo No Tame No Pavane

From Syuura: During a field trip to the imperial capital, Tokyo, Kaga Nanao overhears the beautiful melody of a violin and immediately becomes captivated by it. In order to meet the mystery violinist, Nanao learns the violin and defies her father's wishes by attending the Marianne Music Academy for girls in Tokyo. Upon arriving at the school, Nanao comes across her mystery violinist who turns out to be Sagami Takenomaru, the violin prodigy and adopted son of the famous violinist, Sagami Chougo-sensei. However, Takenomaru isn't just a regular person, he's determined to complete a mission and fulfill a contract... Note: 'Naki Shoujo no Tame no Pavane' means 'Pavane for a Dead Girl' and is a wordplay on the Japanese translation of a solo piano piece, written by French composer Maurice Ravel in 1899, called 'Pavane pour une infante défunte' - Naki Ōjo no Tame no Pavane or Pavane for a Dead Princess. Spoilers included summary: Under a contract and as the messenger of the angels, Sagami Takenomaru is given the mission of gathering the 'Tears of Maria'. Several girls within this series have tears growing within their hearts therefore becoming victims in order to have their tear(s) gathered. Starting with his first victim, a pure and dreamy girl named Kaga Nanao, Takenomaru must continue searching for Maria(s) to fulfill his mission in spite of who the victim might be. Girls in the Marianne Music Academy consist of a variety from girls that Sagami Takenomaru have no relation to and have not known to a childhood friend that acts as an older sister to him.

Modern Mythology

Modern Mythology summary: Modern Mythology summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Modern Mythology. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Struggle Of An African Child

The Struggle Of An African Child summary: The Struggle Of An African Child summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Struggle Of An African Child. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Drainage Modifications and Glaciation in the Danbury Region Connecticut

Drainage Modifications and Glaciation in the Danbury Region Connecticut summary: Drainage Modifications and Glaciation in the Danbury Region Connecticut summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Drainage Modifications and Glaciation in the Danbury Region Connecticut. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The White Sister

The White Sister summary: The White Sister summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The White Sister. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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