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内容简介:简介:《求求你别对我这么上头!》作者:三三娘【完结】文案:年上差10岁,日更6000,追妻火葬场已开始圈内人都知道,骆明翰渣得道貌岸然,明明只谈半年,却会营造出深情款款的模样,而对方一 旦真的爱上他,他就会立刻弃之如敝履。骆明翰第一次在宴会外见到缪存时,就被他勾了魂,对方清冷漂亮,看着脆弱又乖。他千方百1w0-92691 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:被女帝休了后,从此入魔黑化】穿越到玄幻世界,林枫成为大夏皇朝女帝的夫君。但林枫还没有来得及高兴,却被一道圣旨,给打进了冷宫中,从此不得踏出。而做了这一切的女帝 ,却没有丝毫的情绪波动。甚至,不再提起自己的夫君。一个月后,太虚圣地,女帝的师尊到来。这一天,突然间天崩地裂,异象纷呈,天降血雨,山河倒塌。而造成这一切的,就是在冷宫中的林枫。被人发现时,林枫已经死去。一个月后一个魔主,从陵墓中苏醒了过来。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢被女帝休了后,从此入魔黑化,别忘记分享给朋友作者:闭眼乱来所写的《被女帝休了后,从此入魔黑化》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-83516 >>


内容简介:  容貌美,属性渣的江姒从未想过自己会翻车,有一天,她开始了快穿……——被当成替身的影帝将她困在怀里,冰冷手指捏着她下巴:“我什么都给了你,你只喜欢我的脸?”江姒:“……”替身情人什么 的真刺激。——阴郁优雅的血族亲王在她面前单膝下跪,握住她的手,青年嗓音冰冷缠绵:“阁下,我是您的人了。”江姒:“……”她要不起。——始乱终弃了白衣仙君后,她被困在锁妖塔万年之久。昔日冷心绝情的仙君日渐疯魔,他在她耳边喃喃:“我因你识得爱恨嗔痴,坠入红尘浮生……我不悔,可你不要我。”江姒:“……”我承认都是剧本惹的祸。戚昀:江姒之于他,是方寸天地间的唯一执念。【人美声甜渣女vs白切黑疯批美人】1v1双洁1w0-1920 >>


内容简介:铠甲吾为最强欧克瑟铠甲吾为最强欧克瑟小说阅读穿越重生小说铠甲吾为最强欧克瑟由作家夜下孤灯创作穿越铠甲世界,成为马青山,天天好集团大少爷,开局就感染欧克瑟病毒!本想与人为善,却发现被世人 所不容,既如此,那就当一个欧克瑟又如何?吞噬,进化,从击败铠甲开始,做最强欧克瑟,哪怕是铠甲,也得乖乖俯首听命!刑天铠甲,幽冥军团,五行铠甲,ERP,暗影界……各方势力逐渐出现!本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。【收起】小兵提供铠甲吾为最强欧克瑟最新章节铠甲吾为最强欧克瑟最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-84163 >>


内容简介:【推荐预收文章《黑月光重生后竟然洗清革面》↑】【第一世界很多人反应剧情很乱,描写也有问题,大家先别看,我会在后面不定期地修改留】谢知年是个渣攻扮演者。当他完成任务准备封神的时候,却突然 绑定了洗白系统,系统028奉旨下达命令:“为了平复目标人物的崩坏,请你重回原世界,进行洗白任务,降低他们的黑化值。”第(1)世界:他是挖取丹心的师尊,手底下养着个听话的乖徒,在刷取黑化值后,变成杀人不眨眼的魔头,兴师动众带着邪门歪道的徒弟回来复仇。某‘乖徒’裂开嘴角,他废掉对方的修为:“师尊的长生死了,他死在最爱的时候,现在活下来的只有本尊崇明,对你恨之入骨的魔修。”↓第(2)个世界:他是背叛大佬黑红的明星,大佬禁欲又寡淡,关键是三年都将他捧在手心,给他比别人更好的资源,黑化后变得生人勿近,对娱乐圈的水看透。某‘大佬’眯着眼缝,用骨骼分明的手指敲击着桌面:“听说他毁了容,我也不会心疼他点,他混不下去想自暴自弃,我有什么资格去管他,像他这种哗众取宠的人,娱乐圈不多了。”↓第(3)世界,他是定位重生的恶术风水师,对象是重生回来的天才,对他既爱又恨,本以为没有重生而再次爱上对方,结果发现一切都是一场骗局。某风水师嘲讽地笑着,提着把夺命刀:“我被同一个人骗了两次,他彻头彻尾把我当成傻瓜,如今用装可怜这一套,我不会再相信他了,我会让他死在我的手下,做成恶鬼跟在我的身边。”↑论最后的真香定律:是后悔莫及!本文又名《每个想虐心的人都反被虐了》①比惨,没人比谢知年更惨。②比手段,没人比谢知年更高明。③比血液,没人比谢知年更充足。只见谢知年苍白的面容上带着悲伤,他捂着胸口处的血液,垂眼看着每黑化的男主们,眼里没有半点的清明,奄奄一息地说道:“我要死了,你们别哭。”内心却是:我痛苦,我装的。谢知年:cue下洗白工作做得好,黑化男主瞬间为我倾倒。位面一:嫉妒徒弟的仙界师尊位面二:风水界贪生怕死恶术攻位面三:渣了大佬跑路后的明星后续还有世界。阅读需知:①暂时定下位面,更新顺序不定。②此文一旦发出,绝对有保障。③攻是任务者,但最后会1V1,和所有黑化男主集成的真实受在一起,他们两个会成为新一代的主神。1w0-81294 >>


内容简介:六年前——她说:“给我一百万,我让你要个够!”他将她抵在墙壁上:“秦暮楚,我们之间彻底玩完了!”六年后,再次重逢——他压她在床,“一百万的交易,该是时候连本带利的讨回来了!”“可是我已 经结婚了!”对,她结婚已有大半年了!虽然,她对自己的丈夫一无所知,甚至连姓甚名谁她都不清楚。她唯一知晓的是,众人在提及那个男人的时候,无不敬之重之。直到有一天,那个男人如天神般降至她跟前,救她于危难之中,她震惊,不敢置信的瞪着眼前的坏男人。1w0-83638 >>

The Cherry Project

From StarryHeaven: The story about a girl named Chieri (nicknamed “Cherry”) who began ice skating ever since she saw the handsome ice skating champion Tsuzuki Masanori skate. She pursues her dream of being Tsuzki’s partner, all the while facing her rival, ‘Princess’ Canty. With the help of her friends, and her own courage, can Cherry win the heart of the boy she loves so much…?

White Guardian

From DramaQueen: The Kingdom of Landa, once a proud country, is weakened by internal espionage and strife with its neighbors. In order to save the country, Linth Highwind Belc Landa IV, Crown Prince of Landa, returns to his country determined to bring about change. But missing from his plans is a man - the one man who had left behind the intrigue of the palace for the freedom of the sea. General Sei- Landa��™s legendary hero- now guards Landa from his command post on a naval ship. Unknown to the General, among the new ensigns on board is a young Prince who is secretly plotting his return to shore! As fate has it, the opportunity comes when the General saves Linth during a fierce battle. Using his gratitude as an excuse, the Prince confronts the General about his absence from home - but suddenly finds himself at the General��™s mercy! How far will Linth go to bring Sei home? Can a battle weary soldier become a guardian angel?


Shirataki summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Shirataki. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Bloody Maiden: Juusanki No Shima

Onitsuka Miaki, freshman from Fujimigahara Girls' Academy Naginata club, are going to remote island that owned by her captain, Igasaki Kotone, along with 11 members to do a training camp. Legends say that remote island is a place where the worst bandits lives and have national treasure beneath the island. Everything still normal before one of their member got killed. Their live-threatening experience begins now. From Baka-Updates: 12 members of the Fujimigahara Girls' Academy's Naginata club arrive at a remote island belonging to the club president's family. Legend has it that the remote island had long ago been the hideout of a group of extremely cruel bandits, and that priceless treasures - the fruits of their plunders - are still hidden somewhere on the island. All is well until their club adviser and two members are brutally murdered. Thereby the curtain rises on the surviving girls' life-threatening battle with a bizarre masked killer...

Brian's Saga

Brian's Saga summary: Brian is on his way to Canada to visit his estranged father when the pilot of his small prop plane suffers a heart attack. Brian is forced to crash-land the plane in a lake--and finds himself stranded in the remote Canadian wilderness with only his clothing and the hatchet his mother gave him as a present before his departure. Brian had been distraught over his parents ' impending divorce and the secret he carries about his mother, but now he is truly desolate and alone. Exhausted, terrified, and hungry, Brian struggles to find food and make a shelter for himself. He has no special knowledge of the woods, and he must find a new kind of awareness and patience as he meets each day 's challenges. Is the water safe to drink? Are the berries he finds poisonous? Slowly, Brian learns to turn adversity to his advantage--an invading porcupine unexpectedly shows him how to make fire, a devastating tornado shows him how to retrieve supplies from the submerged airplane. Most of all, Brian leaves behind the self-pity he has felt about his predicament as he summons the courage to stay alive. A story of survival and of transformation, this riveting book has sparked many a reader 's interest in venturing into the wild.

Magic? Muscle Is Much More Important Than Such A Thing!

Magic? Muscle Is Much More Important Than Such A Thing! summary: There was a youth who lived deep inside a Forest, his name was Yuri.
After he trained his body for long, he achieved a special trait which made his body able to withstand almost every kind of magic.
One day, there was a beautiful elf named Firia, who got lost and arrived at his house.
Yuri, who was attracted to see the world, together with Firia, they set out on a journey around the world.
“Yuri-san, can you use magic?”
“Of course I can. It’s called muscle magic.”
“…what, is that?”
“In exchange of magical energy, I use my muscles to emit a powerful magic.”
“That isn’t magic but simply a feat of strength.”
This is the tale of a youth who chose to polish his muscles and journey around the world together with a peerless beautiful elf.

The Story of a Cannoneer Under Stonewall Jackson

The Story of a Cannoneer Under Stonewall Jackson summary: The Story of a Cannoneer Under Stonewall Jackson summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Story of a Cannoneer Under Stonewall Jackson. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Handbook of Health

A Handbook of Health summary: A Handbook of Health summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Handbook of Health. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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