





Mean girls茶里茶气









简介(每周六更新) 什么?心脏还可以共享?只有不断支付爱心才能使用,而爱心的获得竟然要通过使用情侣间的爱意滋生?一次意外坠楼,素不相识的外卖少女和傲娇总裁被迫成为“共享心脏情侣”,给他们安装“共享心脏”的竟然是一个很皮的外星萌物!她还自称是二人的救命恩人与“爱心债主”!……这是一本新颖、有趣,且集颜值、可爱、脑洞于一身的漫画,帅气总裁、元气少女、外星萌物是怎么通过“共享心脏”联系的?
















这就是一个日常 搞基 搞笑 搞(————)的漫画,嗯!同食者,就是一同吃饭睡:male_sign:觉(哔————)的人哟~




内容简介:陈鸾是镇国公府唯一的嫡女,自小养在老太太膝下,被千娇百宠着娇气得不得了,年少情窦初开,跟在阴鸷狠戾的八皇子身后数年。最后听了姨娘庶女的蛊惑,十里红妆,嫁衣似火,入的却是东宫。太子纪萧有 断袖之癖,与东宫幕僚成日饮酒作乐,昏聩无道,储君之位坐得摇摇欲坠,她整日疲于遮掩应付,被家族视为弃子。八皇子纪焕雷霆手段继位,太子被废当晚,她被送进新君的寝宫,已成九五至尊的男人面色阴鸷的不像话。一夜荒唐梦,她失了清白身。隔日,她喝下了庶妹的毒酒,魂归西天,身子冰冷之时,她躺在暴戾的君王怀中,觉出他手抖得厉害。一朝重生,她与太子婚约已定,迫不得已,她慌乱闯了皇子府,眼角缀着泪珠,男人手指修长,替她一点点抹干了泪,问“嫁他还是嫁我?”纪焕皱着眉,漠着脸,有些生硬地诱哄,“皇子府清净,后院无人,你若进了府,就是你说了算。”陈鸾不知道,男人为了她那声又低又小的嫁你,日夜不休布署一月有余,在她出嫁前登上了那至高无上的位置,名正言顺抢了纪萧的这桩婚事。1,男女主双洁2,甜宠文。推好基友的文《你怎么欺负人呀》by荔枝很甜都说周沅命好,是周家最小的一位嫡小姐,爹疼娘爱,还嫁给了顾微凉。据说,当朝首辅顾微凉家境贫寒,曾是周太傅的学生,七年前去到周家提亲,想迎娶周家庶女周江江,被拒之。这传言众人半信半疑,只有周沅知道是真的,不仅是真的,还有一段更离谱的。那日顾微凉提亲被拒,落魄离去,躲在屏风下听了个大概的小周沅觉得那人可怜,偷偷摸摸的跟出去。她拉了拉顾微凉的衣袍:“你别难过哦,三姐姐不嫁你,我嫁呀。”顾微凉低头垂眸看着这个还没自己一半高的小家伙,矮矮胖胖,像根萝卜。可这根萝卜非常乐于助人,继续安慰他:“真的真的,等我长大你再来我家。”七年后,萝卜长成了大姑娘,身姿婀娜,姿容出众,在广袖楼抛绣球招亲。正此时,首辅大人的马车路过,他漠着一张脸,直向那接到绣球的人走去,对方咽了下口水,颤巍巍将绣球双手奉上——周沅从楼上跑下来,又害怕又生气:“你、你怎么欺负人呀?”后来十里红妆,凤冠霞帔,她成了被欺负的那个。每当那时,她总红着一张脸嗔道:“你怎么欺负人呀。”而首辅大人捏着她的下巴,哄道:“圆儿乖,别咬了。”1w0-61292 >>


内容简介:叶辰穿越斗罗,觉醒全能天赋。无论是魂力修炼,还是武魂研究,亦或是兵法布阵都是当世顶尖!他是三军大帅,是千道流和比比东亲自加冕的武魂殿大帅!他曾北伐上三门,仅率一千镇北军便就成功喝住那天 下的三大宗!笔趣阁他也曾东征星罗帝国,在寒冬飞雪之中,天降奇兵,逼得星罗大帝跪地出城而降!数年征战下,已然是将四方势力打的俯首称臣,直拜呼:“战神!”但是,一场意外过后。那些曾经被叶辰打残的势力,竟都开始变得蠢蠢欲动,武魂殿超然势力的地位,瞬间变的岌岌可危起来……各位书友要是觉得《斗罗:签到三年,重获封神之资》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-65012 >>


内容简介:未婚夫背叛,唐沫儿一不小心招惹上了京都豪门贵胄顾墨寒。?某天,唐沫儿捏着手里的两道红杠杠,怒,“顾少,你为什么要搞大我的肚子?”?顾墨寒将一个小奶娃塞到她怀里,“老婆,乖,那是二胎。” ?于是唐沫儿奶完了大的奶小的,但是有没有人告诉她为什么还有这位虎视眈眈的顾少也等着她来奶?1w0-27911 >>


内容简介:再不让我死,我就真无敌了穿越者叶宁获得金手指,只要死后就能成为天帝。于是他开始疯狂作死。但他很快就发现这个世界有毒。大周女帝:“一见叶宁误终生,他若死,朕绝不肯独活。”上界仙君:“世人 1w58943-65911 >>


内容简介:(这本后面的部分不好写,我得慢慢来,跳坑请慎重)御雷派掌门亲传弟子沈倦,生来一副好模样,但为人不思进取,成日只知吃喝玩乐。天下第一的圣阶剑者沈见空,是沈倦师兄。沈见空一直以为沈倦只能当 猫养着,供在门派精心伺候,却没想到沈倦一出刀,刀光雪亮,映天地失色。“既然天道对你不公,我便替你,掀了这天。”沈见空一身白衣,望着坐在月色中的人,轻声说道。“然后呢?”沈倦满身月色,就花饮酒,漂亮的桃花眼轻弯成扇。“然后……这世间之人若要信仰什么才可活,那我,便是这世界的新神。”“我叫沈倦,懒倦的倦。”“我不太擅长打打杀杀,平时就养猫逗狗打麻将这个样子,所以我的心愿,是世界和平。”“但如果有谁敢打扰我的养老生活,这一刀下去,你必然会死。”“哪怕你,是这世间至高无上的神佛。”月上刀寒,寒光也可照夜纵红尘梦苦,春来犹折花千万别打扰我养老·不然我一刀下去你会死·大美人受x百年不变面瘫脸·修剑穷三代但我很有钱·天下第一攻师兄弟cp曾用名《仙道第一吉祥物》接档文求预收《说好的协议结婚竟然》我是个omega,不屑装b混入军校这种操作。我凭自己的本事入了一所综合性大学,念机甲技师专业,本系那些弱鸡alpha只有被我吊打的分。没错,我是个天才。但天才也会为生活所迫。因为某些原因,我嫁给了一个贵族alpha,他是个将军,据说杀伐果断冰冷无情。但这和我无关,因为我们签下了互不干扰的协议。没想到三个月后……他失忆了!还想标记我!狗逼alpha,果然没一个好东西!《抑制剂失效》1、谢翡是个omega,长得漂亮玩得开。有一次,他真心话大冒险输了,抽到对校草告白这样的惩罚。他半点没怂,拿着喇叭上天台,铿锵有力朗诵了一首情诗。一中的校草是顾方晏,成绩优异背景深厚,为人冷淡,不太好接近。谢翡对这类人不感兴趣,告完白没多久就和别的Alpha走到一起。2、一年前谢翡休学养病,身体出了点问题,所有的抑制剂都对他失效,要想安稳度过发情期,只能找alpha。其实谁都可以,但他碰上的人,偏偏是顾方晏。空无一人的自习室,谢翡背贴在墙上,难受得想哭。顾方晏垂眼看他:“要我帮你可以,叫声好听的。”谢翡偏头,试探性开口:“哥哥?”1w0-28769 >>

Boku No Geboku Ni Nare!

Yukinari Takase is a huge masochist who instantly takes a liking to Rion Tachibana, a menacing trap who just transferred into his class. After Rion believes Takase has uncovered his secret, he decides to make Takase his servant in order to keep his mouth shut.

Nidome No Koi (Hidaka Shoko)

(adapted from cottonholic on nihonomaru): Fujiwara is a man of unusual tastes—he finds plain-looking, borderline unattractive men appealing. And Karahashi, his lover and middle school teammate, has started to be insecure about this. What will he do to keep Fujiwara’s attention? Continuation of chapter 4 of Shiranai Kao (Fujiwara meets his old classmate Karahashi again after several years. But Karahashi's appearance has completely changed!)

Tsuki No Ookamiotoko

From Blissful Sin: Twins Keiji and Keiichi are both skilled in martials arts despite their innocent-looking faces. But the younger brother, Keiji, has harbored unrequited feelings for his older twin. What will happen to these feelings when Keiji suddenly enters a one-sided relationship with a schoolmate? What will happen when Keiichi also finds himself a lover? A sexual omnibus full of trials and tribulations in these blue summer love stories.

Mangaka-San To Assistant-San To 2

Its starts from where the last season ends, Aito and Ashisu meets her new assistant. An entry of a new member. what story can she make out of aito and Ashisu's life?

The Career of Katherine Bush

The Career of Katherine Bush summary: The Career of Katherine Bush summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Career of Katherine Bush. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Chalk Circle Man

The Chalk Circle Man summary: The Chalk Circle Man summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Chalk Circle Man. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Punch, or the London Charivari

Punch, or the London Charivari summary: Punch, or the London Charivari summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Punch, or the London Charivari. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You summary: 'I love you, despite the danger signs.'
'Let me tell you this. You're standing before the gates of h.e.l.l right now. Doing this means ruining your life. Are you ready to step down to h.e.l.l with me?' his eyes blazed. A warning was burning within it and Abigail knew he was more than serious and that the danger was real, but… every time she thought about her future, was there anything scarier to her at this point? Wasn't she looking for something like this? For a man like this?
As the silence dragged on, the man's lips curved up into a triumphant, mocking smile and his hand landed on her head. He ruffled her hair and leaned in on her.
'h.e.l.l is not a good place, at least for a little lamb like you. I'm sure you're aware of that. Now run away while this demon king is still being nice and calm.' He whispered.
And then, he turned to leave, so casually, as if nothing just happened. But after three steps, the girl stopped him again.
'The h.e.l.l you're talking about...' she mumbled, 'I… I'd like to see it for myself… Take me there.'
Abigail is a beautiful oh-so-innocent lady. She is kind and well mannered but she is terminally ill. She knows she will die soon so before she dies, she wants to fulfill her one and only wish - to fall in love. She wants to experience loving someone romantically. But under one strange condition- she wants a man who will not fall in love with her because she doesn't want him to suffer when she's gone. She met Alexander Qin, the coldhearted and mysterious man. He warns her from the start that he doesn't do love and that he is dangerous. But that made him the perfect man for Abigail. He was exactly the kind of man she was looking for.
Alexander will start to teach the innocent Abigail about his kind of pleasure while Abigail will show him the joy of doing simple things in life. Their completely different worlds collide, Abi's illness and the mysteries about Alexander will slowly be revealed. Can Abi handle his own kind of h.e.l.l? Can Alex handle her light?
He handed her an egg-shaped, pink vibrator and then returned to his spot.
The girl blinked again as she examined, with deep curiosity, the pink egg-shaped thing in her hand.
'Don't make me wait. Put it inside,' the man ordered and Abi swallowed.
Abi had no idea whatsoever as to what this thing was. She had never seen anything like this before. She wanted to ask him what this thing was and what he meant by 'put it inside' but the man was so serious, she was afraid she'd fail the test if she showed him that she didn't even know what this was.
'Is this clean?' was what she asked instead and the man half-smiled.
'It. Is. Very. Clean.' He stressed out every word.
Still unsure about what to do, Abi hesitantly looked at him and then in the next second, she put it inside her mouth.

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