






类别都市 恋爱 少女 总裁






简介最新话熟肉已经上市,每月22号左右更新! o(*≧▽≦)ツ 就如同人会腐朽一样,国家总有一天也会走向毁灭,就连千年繁荣的帝都,也不过只是个腐败的人间地狱,披着人皮的魑魅魍魉,嚣张跋扈的四处横行!天若无能制裁邪恶,我等将会于黑暗之中给予消逝!我等全员,职业杀手团!








简介改编自网易文学作者 鄀宁宁 作品《日久生情:爱你,一错到底》 为了出人头地,相爱四年的男友,亲手将她送给了陌生人。傅斯年,31岁,华臣老总。与顾氏的千金小姐早有婚约。风波过后,她阴差阳错地变成众所周知的“傅总未婚妻”。背负着万人唾骂的小三之名。她和他的婚礼极尽豪华,可那两本大红的结婚证书,承载的不是爱情,而是利益。他冷漠疏离,心机深不可测。她骄傲倔强,坚守着灰姑娘的自尊心。可她万万没有想到,仅仅是一夜沦陷,便会跌进万劫不复的深渊!谁能告诉她,这场无爱的婚姻,为何慢慢让她泥足深陷,情难自禁,最后变成了她仅有的出路?












内容简介:【女帝,爽文,恋爱,迪化】孙天没有想到,穿越到这个世界后竟这个世界的漩涡中心,幸得良妻让他不至于枯燥一生,良妻上的厅堂下的厨房,本以为能够这样平淡的享受生活。不成想娘子却一心造反,最终 还成为了女帝成为女帝不说,还要被逼与外联姻争取局势平缓。没办法为了阻止,孙天只能南征北战,可是打着打着他发现魔后那老熟了、妖主那可是他拜过把子的兄弟、大唐之主不正是他徒弟吗?1w0-29036 >>


内容简介:【通知栏:日更,小天使们,本文零点入V,届时万字大肥章,请多支持,啾咪】—————————————————————无限流主神来袭!【想明白生命的意义吗?想真正的…活着吗?】主神发布单人 任务:【请让他人认为你是个好心人(进度0)】用假情报把各大组织骗得团团转的费奥多尔:?【请让他人认为你是个老实人(进度0)】身价千亿正在计划毁灭世界的涩泽:??【请让他人认为你是个团宠(进度31w0-115069 >>


内容简介:城破之夜,她初次被召侍寝,可是,带着杀戮和鲜血而来的,却是他——一个狠戾嗜杀的暴君?他画地为牢,强行将她禁在身侧,只是说好冷血无情,画风怎么越来越歪?欺她的,辱她的,统统被剁去喂狗!某 女终于忍不住,“陛下,你到底想干什么?”暴君强势壁咚,目光隐忍火辣,“朕想干什么,你心里没点数?”他弑血天下,唯独对她温柔内敛,宠她一世情深!1w0-27276 >>


内容简介:下本开《万物可爱》《春光沦陷》求收藏顺便求个作收1陆家小公主陆羡鱼是四九城内出名的骄纵跋扈,任谁也入不得她法眼。偏她年少情动,喜欢上一个比她大七岁的男人。男人长相清隽如玉,气质儒雅,连 拒绝她时也是温润知礼:“你还小,不懂什么叫喜欢。”恰逢变故,陆羡鱼被父母送到南城舅舅家。在那儿,她遇见了个少年。少年是学校出名的浪荡二世祖,生就一副好相貌,偏一张嘴不饶人,陆羡鱼每每和他说话都能被气个半死。谢临渊官宣那晚,大雨倾盆,陆羡鱼无助蹲在角落,淋成落汤鸡。直到头顶出现一把伞,陆羡鱼抬眸,看见季北川撑伞站在她面前。少年眸似点漆,直勾勾盯着她:“陆小鱼,你要不和我试试呗?”2剧组再去南城九中采风的那天,谢临渊偶遇陆羡鱼。彼时,少女跟在玩世不恭的少年身侧,两人姿态亲昵,在他面前小心翼翼的漂亮小脸亦是笑容明艳。也是此刻,谢临渊方知他弄丢了什么。再后来季家家变,季北川消失不见,陆羡鱼把自己关在房间不吃不喝三天,出来后不顾父母反对报了海外女团选秀,最后C位出道。陆羡鱼出道的庆功晚宴上,谢临渊为挽回她,精心准备表白。陆羡鱼垂眼,无名指上字母C的纹身落在眸底她冷声拒绝他“谢临渊,我不喜欢你。”3阔别多年后,陆羡鱼和季北川重逢。男人一身挺括橄榄绿军装,眉眼冷戾,唇角痞笑一如当年。他指尖夹着一根烟,黑沉沉的眸肆无忌惮的盯着她“陆小鱼,好久不见。”陆羡鱼一瞬红眼,偏逞强扬起红唇,朝他挑衅一笑“还活着呢?”季北川捻灭手中烟,长臂一伸将她抱在怀中,低头靠近她耳侧,呼吸灼烫。她听见他道“我死了,谁来娶你”明艳带刺小玫瑰×玩世不恭二世祖;顶流花旦×武警中队长前期校园;后期都市别后重逢双向救赎甜文HE高亮:1文无任何原型,谢绝ky代入2男二追妻殡仪馆,男主抱得美人归3双处双初恋,介意女主喜欢过男二的慎入《万物可爱》文案:1说起九中一霸江醒,无人不慨一句:少年桀骜,目比天高。认识他的狐朋狗友却知道,江醒有个宝贝不得了的小青梅。在她面前,桀骜不驯的少年就是只乖巧听话的二哈。高考完后的聚会,冬稚撞见校花跟江醒表白,却被他冷脸拒绝。校花红眼问江醒:“你是不是喜欢冬稚?”江醒还未答话,旁边一众狐朋狗友瞎起哄:“放屁,咱小江爷不过是把冬稚那姑娘当妹妹疼。”门外的冬稚心跳如鼓等着江醒答案,半天不见江醒吱声,她满怀失望离开,未曾听见接下来的话。“放屁,老子明明是把她当媳妇儿在养。”2冬稚决心和江醒拉开距离后,高考填报志愿去了北方。本以为余生再无交集,哪想某次夜自习回寝的路上,她被同系学长表白,对方精心准备的爱心蜡烛却被一盆水浇灭。冬稚抬头,看见少年手拎着空桶靠在树下,姿态懒散,黑眸紧盯着她:“长本事了,背 >>




内容简介:瑞根历史官场养成文,绝对够味!大周永隆二年。盛世隐忧。四王八公鲜花着锦,文臣武将烈火烹油。内有南北文武党争不休,外有九边海疆虏寇虎视。这是一个最好的时代,也是一个最坏的时代。关键在于你 身处其中时,该如何把握。勇猛精进,志愿无倦,且看我如何定风流,挽天倾!历史官场养成文,兄弟们请多支持。瑞根铁杆书友群:5814702341w748-75660 >>

Love Pheromone No.5

4-koma manga about a girl who is obsessed with sniffing her new classmate.

Tora To Ookami

From Nagareboshi Manga: Mii is a BL (Boys Love) fanatic who helps her grandmother run a family restaurant. Her monotonous life is turned around when two beautiful college boys come to eat! One is the kind Tora, and the other is the snotty Ookami, who refuses to eat the restaurant's food. More than boy troubles, Mii needs to save the restaurant from corporate big-shots who want to renovate the area!? And what role will the boys play in this!?


PSYREN follows the adventures of Ageha Yoshina, a high school student who is chosen by Nemesis Q as a participant in the Psyren games. The games take place in a world known initially as Psyren, which is revealed to be the real world in the future. Ageha and his friends attempt to alter the future and save the world from becoming Psyren.


A collection of 8 series of short stories, mostly about romance with appropriate dashes of humour. 1) Itou-san Numerous brief comics about the life of a single 28-year old known to readers only as Itou-san, and her day-to-day interactions with a colleague whom she later dates. 2) Sensei+ An ordinary 25-year old schoolteacher meets a man who claims he can use magic, and goes on to ask her to return the magic she's borrowed from him, although she has no memory of such a thing. But when she uses magic, she turns into a magical girl instead?! 3) Hajimari Masakazu meets his new step-sister for the first time. She's his age, and what's more, she's really cute. He's not really sure how he should handle this new addition in his life... 4) High & High Being a tall girl is problematic in so many ways. This is a short comic about a tall girl who laments her height. But with her even taller boyfriend now, she wonders if his height is the only reason she's dating him. 5) Doukei no Ie About a couple living in a ninja mansion. It would be the most awesome house if not for the fact that it is crawling with all sorts of booby traps and secret passageways - a pain to live in. What will come of the quarrel between the two over the decision to buy over and live in the mansion? 6) Chocolate Cake What does it mean when your husband suddenly buys a chocolate cake home on any other ordinary day? 7) Futari no Deai no Hanashi Kouhei fondly recalls how his love with Saitou started out - the awkward silences, nervous waiting, embarrassed smiles, and what it all finally led to. Based on a true story. 8) Bluff Harada is well known for her big mouth in rattling off all the faults of her seniors in the girls' volleyball club. But is there more than meets the eye? And how will the tension between Harada and the senior girls finally be resolved?

Embers Ad Infinitum

Embers Ad Infinitum summary: In this latest work by Lord of the Mysteries author, Cuttlefish That Loves Diving, be prepared for a well-thought out and detailed apocalyptic, cyberpunk world with a setting superseding Lord of the Mysteries!
Our protagonist, Shang Jianyao, is crazy—literally crazy, at least that’s what the doctors said. Living in a huge, underground building of Pangu Biology, one of the few remaining factions in this apocalyptic wasteland known as the Ashlands, he acts in unfathomable ways that’s head-scratching, comical, and shrewd. So is he really crazy? Probably.
He has a grand dream: to save all of humanity.
Intricately tied to this dream is something everyone in the Ashlands believes in: Deep in a particular ruin buried away by danger and famine, a path leading to a new world awaits. To step into the new world, one only needs to find a special key and open that certain door.
There, the land is bountiful, as if milk and honey flows freely.
The sunlight is dazzling, as if all coldness and darkness are washed away.
The people will no longer have to face desolation, monsters, infections, mutations, and all kinds of dangers.
There, children are joyous, adults are happy, everything is fine as they are supposed to be.
Every Antiquarian, Ruin Hunter, and Historian roaming the Ashlands knows: That’s the New World.

Madam Is A Sensational Figure In The City

Madam Is A Sensational Figure In The City summary: As the leader of bandits, Yan Jinyi has been a bully for twenty years, and she ended up causing her own death.
The next thing she knows, she wakes up and finds that she has become the Second Young Mistress of the Huo Family. Wielding her knife, Yan Jinyi starts to throw her weight around conceitedly again.
Young Master Huo says, “If I’m still single, I’ll probably marry my sister-in-law.”
Third Young Master Huo says, “If I could turn back time, I would have vied with my brother to marry my second sister-in-law.
Miss Huo says, “If I were a man, my second sister-in-law would be my woman!”
A CEO says, “I thought I was roguish enough, but I didn’t expect Yan Jinyi to be more of a hooligan than I am!”
The Best Actor says, “Huo Xishen, why are you still not divorced?”
Second Young Master Huo points to Yan Jinyi and says, “She is mine.”
Rumor has it that the second daughter-in-law of the Huo Family can beat a home wrecker up and is especially good at making money. Countless bigwigs are lining up to make a cuckold of Huo Xishen.

Hatchie, the Guardian Slave

Hatchie, the Guardian Slave summary: Hatchie, the Guardian Slave summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hatchie, the Guardian Slave. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Poems (1828) by Thomas Gent

Poems (1828) by Thomas Gent summary: Poems (1828) by Thomas Gent summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Poems (1828) by Thomas Gent. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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