










类别玄幻 都市 恋爱






















内容简介:【公告】与编辑商量,本书打算于2016年11月9日也就是星期三入V,当天三更或万字更。姐妹们支持一下正版。更新时间大多在凌晨1点50左右,你们白天起来看。晚12点放防盗,凌晨1点50替 换,已尽力往深夜时间靠,大家可以次日来看。除这两点时间之外皆是防盗或捉虫,特殊情况会说明。带来的不望谅解。前尘缘事皆忘,而后忆起。一代天师季童上一世做了无数利社稷的事结善缘得善果得此重生。【阅前注意:】勿扒榜。此文苏,女主美。码字不易,不适点X,在此多谢。(划重点:女主穿到现代是之后才慢慢想起自己以前的事情的)各位书友要是觉得《女神算命手册古穿今》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80385 >>


内容简介:昔日驱驷马,设宴黄金台。旌悬白云外,骑猎红尘中。今来向易水,素盖转悲风。荣华与歌笑,万里尽成空。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《随波逐流之神龙传奇》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的 朋友推荐哦!1w0-76848 >>


内容简介:  穿越西游,成为一只野猪。于是,终接受现实,勇于面对的朱安有了一群小猪崽,而其中最健壮的居然还是刚投胎的猪八戒!(注:男主成猪的时间线在八戒出生之前,并且已经修炼成妖,懂的都懂)朱安 :“快跟上爹的脚步,伪天庭里有好多水灵灵的白菜等着咱们拱呢!”沙雕老二:“冲冲冲!”稳健老三:“容我先做几番后手,有备无患。”装哔老四:“若遇到危险就交给我,我这剑,当饮神魔...唔唔唔~”老三:“老四!不要瞎立flag!”中二老五:“我要这天再遮不了我眼,我要这地再埋不了我心,我要这满天神佛都...唔唔唔~”老三:“大哥!快灭杀方圆百里一切虫草蛇蚁!万万不能让五弟的话传进有心之人耳中,不然....危!”朱八戒:“......”本书又名《我带着一群小猪崽修仙的故事》、《史上最累猪八戒》、《我在西游搞教育》、《系统让我去生娃》...1w0-3242 >>




内容简介:本文将于周天入v,届时将有三更掉落,谢谢支持,爱你们姜漫上辈子为了走完剧情回到现实,渣了反派boss林见鹤。她死后,林见鹤抱着她尸体跟男主同归于尽。再次醒来,她并没有如愿以偿回到现实, 而是回到了剧情的起点:——林见鹤被人压在冰天雪地里抽得皮开肉绽。按照剧情,她要救他,成为他心中抹不掉的白月光。这次,姜漫抖着双腿,选了与剧情完全相反的路:扭头就走,跑得活像有鬼在追。这辈子,她绝对,绝对不招惹林见鹤。弱小无助等着姜漫救他的林见鹤眸子沉了下去。那挥鞭子的一瞬间由满脸怒气转成瑟瑟发抖小白菜。所有人跪在地上望着雪地里容颜绝色那人,脸色惨白如纸。林见鹤上辈子身陷沟渠,几次生死挣扎,狼狈求生。最艰难的时候,有人向他伸手,将他拉了起来。从此得一方安宁,活得像个人样。只是,他视若珍宝的,却被人弃如敝履。这辈子,谁敢伤她,他以血索偿。林见鹤那个出了名的暴君点名要永昌侯府认回来的女儿姜漫入宫。所有人都在看她笑话,等着她惨死那一天。后来,姜漫成了皇后。暴君为博她一笑,弹指杀人。小剧场:“我知道你胆小、怯懦,不敢承认爱我,看见我手里刀没?我知道你更怕死。说吧,选哪一个?”姜漫哭了。男主病娇,女主小可爱。文案开文前会有改动。《我抽卡抽到仙界大佬》,男主超萌的,求收藏灵铃穿进一本修仙文里。原主是个炮灰,马上就要领盒饭。灵铃庆幸,还好她有抽卡系统。关键时候,她忍痛花光几分,孤注一掷一抽,满心期待来个带她飞的大佬。结果,抽到一个小拖油瓶。小拖油瓶个子小小,梳着小小的发髻,皮肤白嫩,眼睛乌黑水润,睫毛浓密卷翘,唇红齿白。妈妈,他好可爱。可是可爱不能救命。关键这个小可爱好好的长了一张嘴。“你会仙术吗?!快干掉那个妖兽!”灵铃背着他狂奔逃命。小可爱不自在地红了脸:“哼,区区低级妖兽,还不配本仙君出手。”“……”灵铃算是认栽了,她非到家,非但没有抽到大佬,还抽到一个拖油瓶。哭晕。无妄仙君年少成名,离飞升只一步之遥,乃是仙界之首,众人偶像。传闻容颜惑世,神仙一般,可惜太过神秘,许多人无缘得见。一日,他听到一少女叽叽喳喳许愿,待他回神,已然变成五岁幼童,出现在那少女身边。他冷哼:“区区凡人,竟敢摸本仙君尊贵的头,待我灵力恢复,便剁了你的手。”后来灵铃终于攒够积分,抽到个靠谱的大佬,不由喜极而泣,抱着大佬胳膊求带飞。无妄咬牙:“愚蠢的凡人,放着本仙君不求,去求区区弱小,可恶。”接到仙界之首威胁信的众门派大佬:“???”没想到你是这样的仙君。1w0-87264 >>


内容简介:季诺的哥哥季辰,是个十恶不赦的变态杀人狂。在季辰杀掉第九个的时候,警方逮捕了他。季辰被判处死刑。而留给季家人的是受害者家属无法平息的怒火和社会的抨击。季诺的父母不堪挫折,自杀身亡。最后 留季诺一人,生无可恋。季诺也选择了跳楼结束自己的一生。自杀后的她,发现自己重生到了哥哥杀第一个人前的两个月。季诺想要知道,为何高智商,长相好的哥哥,会变成变态杀人狂。于是开始了拯救哥哥计划……1w0-95088 >>

Novus Karma

Jose lived a normal life until he met this girl, Maria, who was mysteriously targeted by unknown individuals. He got himself involved and was eventually killed by her pursuers. This event led to the awakening of Jose’s hidden abilities that brought him back to life; which unknown to him, is an unimaginable power that runs in his blood. He had been carrying in him the strength of one of the strongest Archangels who was foretold in the Prophecy of the Karmanics to be the savior of mankind. (Published by www.MangaMagazine.net) This is a Filipino manga.

Karen No Fastener

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Dance Macabre - Seiyou Ankoku Shoushi

Dance Macabre - Seiyou Ankoku Shoushi summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dance Macabre - Seiyou Ankoku Shoushi. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Clay Lord

Clay is a young golem molder, still learning about the world around him. His unique technique allows his golems to evolve.

The Goat-gland Transplantation

The Goat-gland Transplantation summary: The Goat-gland Transplantation summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Goat-gland Transplantation. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Shura’s Wrath

Shura’s Wrath summary: The mysterious boy Ling Chen is saved by a little girl as he lay on the street dying. Years later, he strikes a deal to save this savior-turned sister and enters the virtual world. In a future Earth where advanced warfare has forced nations to settle issues virtually or else suffer the consequences, Ling Chen bursts into the scene and goes from unknown to legend. Yet all is not as it seems, for Ling Chen has a dark past, and there is a greater mystery at hand behind this virtual world.
To save his terminally ill little sister, Ling Chen enters the newly released virtual game world and joins a small gaming studio comprising entirely of women. From now on walking upon his path towards the pinnacle. An ancient, evil item almost forgotten by history, the “Lunar Scourge” helps forge his unsurpa.s.sable legend, and causes him to unknowingly step upon a path that is destined to be punished by the heavens, the way of the shura.

Survive Apocalypse With Anime Power System

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The Pilgrims of the Rhine

The Pilgrims of the Rhine summary: The Pilgrims of the Rhine summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Pilgrims of the Rhine. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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