














类别都市 恋爱 生活


类别治愈 奇幻









擦身而过的曼哈顿 欢迎莅临公园大道Ⅳ(境外版)







内容简介:一个秉性风流浪荡不羁的都市男科医师穿越到商纣时期,本想重开医馆平淡度日,却发现尚未入宫的妲己竟是自己的现代女友。“冲冠一怒为红颜,死都不怕,作点恶事做个淫贼又算得了什么?”为阻止她成为 一代妖妃落下千古骂名,他抱着“把淫王治成不举”的邪念进宫侍医,在诡谲离奇的大商后宫纷争之中挑起一片波澜……各位亲爱的读者:仿宋新书《邪武至尊》己经正式在3G书城上传,请大家支持!1w0-77281 >>


内容简介:【明艳张扬天才神医vs腹黑深情病娇王爷】实验室爆炸,孟清韵穿成了一个养父母早亡,被狠毒亲戚虐待的农家丫头。她医毒双绝,武功盖世,手握空间,怕谁?敢把她卖到青楼?略施小计,就让极品亲戚倾 家荡产;贫穷没钱花?用先进的医疗手段,治疗疑难杂症,银子哗哗往兜里装;上山就能采到珍稀药材,随手救下的老头是当朝首辅,运气好到爆棚。就是从山上背回来1w0-89688 >>


内容简介:全文完结。温沁曾经怀疑,纪明城可能是因为责任才跟她结的婚,某天吵架她大吼纪明城我要跟你离婚!某人轻哼一声回她做梦,老子守了两年才成功逮到你!温沁……爱有很多种,当温沁遇上纪明城,方知他 是最浓那种。预收文:《南山有石》我们在黑暗中并肩而行,走在各自的朝圣路上——周国平1w0-76331 >>






内容简介:【下本开《假幼稚》】【实体书出版消息和其他小番外可关注围脖:wo图样先森】某乎热议话题:「温荔和宋砚为什么这么多CP粉?」题主补充:明明结婚两年既无影视合作又无综艺同框,也没见社交软件 互动过几次,娱乐圈公认的协议夫妻,连恩爱都懒得演的那种。巨迷惑为什么会有这么多CP粉,我发誓我不是黑。热门回答:「CP粉不请自来。给题主明说吧,他们互动确实不多,糖都是从显微镜里扣出来的。但是——1论颜值,双神颜。我家三力还是小新人的时候就有人YY过这两个人同框会是什么样,后来世纪同框图大爆出圈,黑天鹅x白月光,大批类似人设的娱乐圈代餐文迅速崛起2论咖位,双一线。各种意义上来说的强强了吧?3圈内神仙太太超多,同人文同人图同人剪辑吃粮吃到撑,想退坑都舍不得综上所述,任路人如何说他们塑料,只要一天不官宣离婚,我们就还磕得动!」某日温荔被特邀录制某爱豆综艺,镜头前大跳清纯元气女团舞正好撞上宋砚被正在合约期的夫妻综艺节目组安排过来探班,两个人隔着舞台对视了个正着“……”爱豆节目录制过后,温荔生无可恋地解释:“我不是装嫩,是他们非逼我跳的。”宋砚慢条斯理说:“原来你会跳舞,明明当时对我的请求宁死不从。”温荔突然瞪眼:“可是你当时让我跳的是脱——”之后节目为通过审核,小剧场到此为止,并将温荔的话无情消音咦,我怎么自动变黄了是我想的脱那啥舞吗有本事你别消音啊节目组你没有心多说点,我们单身狗就爱听这个某乎题主问题补充:「谢谢各位,不用回答了,已经在坑底了,真香」【重点:没有原型!谁都没有!我發誓!】【排雷:大量饭圈评论粉丝弹幕,不爱看这个的慎入】1傲娇毒舌黑天鹅x腹黑忠犬白月光2玛丽苏杰克苏饭圈日常协议结婚老套人设老套梗没啥新意所有角色无原型纯YY3三次元磕CP有BE风险,所以自己产粮自己磕!文艺的故事梗概:我曾纤尘不染,可是后来满身泥泞,而你始终明艳娇贵,令人流连你实在太耀眼,扰我清梦,于是我决定从泥泞中爬起来,再将你折下《假幼稚》文案:喻幼知离开明家去上大学那天,明涔从大门追到公路边大雨滂沱,昏黄路灯被雨刀切成错落斑驳的光影少年穿着单薄的衬衫,苍白着脸,哑着声音冲着雨里模模糊糊的影子大喊:“喻幼知,你敢走!”喻幼知戴上耳机,隔绝了雨声和一切嘈杂声重逢后,被明涔抓回明家,喻幼知心里有种不好的预感按照古早剧情来说,她会被虐身再虐心,直到这位小少爷解气为止。不久后,喻幼知试图逃跑无果,被人再次抓回。明涔神色冰冷,明净清俊的脸上没什么表情,压抑着愠怒问:“我就这么招你讨厌?”喻幼知淡定控诉:“你虐待我。”“我这些日子床上床下都把你当祖宗似的伺候,就差没喊你一声祖宗。”男人气得青筋暴起, >>

Ruka To Ita Natsu

Toono-kun’s life has gone out of control, all due to a strange accident that he can’t explain. There was a flash out in the school yard where his younger sister Yayoi was doing track and field, and a number of people were injured, including Yayoi. Yayoi was lucky and got out of the hospital the next day – only she doesn’t act like herself anymore. What Toono has discovered is that his little sister is gone, and has been replaced by a soldier named Luca from 31 years in the future – and he alone knows it!

Datte Aishiteru (Akira Shouko)

From Midnight Scans: The high school second grader Nao secretly likes Rin, who is in the same basketball club. She didn't want to destroy the 'friend' relation, and couldn't convey her feelings; but, one day, Rin falls in love at first sight?! Moreover, the person is a beautiful senior, Michiyo. And a junior, Kouta, is approaching Nao--?!

Tennenkei Ouji

From Serenus Dreamers: Aoi - a girl who lives in a household of seven. Her current status? Poor. Masafumi, dubbed the Prince of School, lives in a mansion with a household of mostly servants and his grandparents. His current status? Rich. When Masafumi decides to throw away 40 cents which Aoi could have used, she's enraged at his action of discarding the valuable amount, and vows to never forgive him! But, what happens when fate brings Aoi to the Prince's door, in place of her mother, who is injured? Revenge? Schooling in the antics of the poor? Extra: That is Why we Dream - Nakahara has a habit of setting things on fire, she coops herself up in the art room and never smiles..she is also a young and famous artist. While setting fire to another object, she meets a boy, who is a young and famous basketball player...why does he give her so much attention when everyone else shuns her? and why does she seem so sad while painting?

Penguin Brothers

Hina's new high school is strange to say the least. She moves back to her old home town only to find that the high school is run by two opposing factors, and students identify themselves based on the color of their school uniforms: Black for the followers of the loud, violent Nishizaki, and white for the followers of quiet, clean-freak Isshiki. And then there are the 'grays,' who wear street clothes. Hina finds herself stuck between the leaders of the two factions, and it seems to be turning violent. As one might guess from the girly art and the Ribon publisher, the plot develops a romance element pretty early on in the series. There's a love square involved among the leaders of the groups. Who will Hina choose?

My Lady of the North

My Lady of the North summary: My Lady of the North summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of My Lady of the North. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Ore to Kanojo ga Geboku de Dorei de Shuujuu Keiyaku

Ore to Kanojo ga Geboku de Dorei de Shuujuu Keiyaku summary: In a world where beasts cause disasters to the lands, there are those called Hexenritter who use their magical power to summon their servants to fight them. There is an academy which trains such people (girls). One of the students there is a girl called Shirley. She’s the heroine of the story and her family was originally one of the four great n.o.bles of her country until its downfall. For that reason she is isolated from other girls. After her many attempts, she manages to summon a servant. But this servant happens to be a boy who has lost his memories. Hayato is his name.
One of Shirley’s aims is to win the tournaments which will give the winner the t.i.tle, Grantzveissen. It will allow Shirley to regain some of her family’s glory back. In order to partic.i.p.ate in the tournament, she needs to get good results in battles arranged by the school.

The Peace Egg and Other tales

The Peace Egg and Other tales summary: The Peace Egg and Other tales summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Peace Egg and Other tales. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Philaster summary: Philaster summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Philaster. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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